The Working Enneagram Podcast | #5

5: Enneagram Type Five | Core Fears & Desires at Work

Welcome to the fifth episode of The Working Enneagram Podcast! In this episode, Kelsey Taylor interviews Tony Hale and Rebecca Morales as they explore the core motivations of the Enneagram Five.

In this episode, you'll discover:

  • A brief overview of the Enneagram Five and how it can be used in the context of work
  • Insights into how Enneagram Fives approaches work, including common strengths and challenges
  • Strategies for using the Enneagram to improve working relationships
  • Real-life examples and stories from Tony and Rebecca

To listen to this episode, simply click the play button above or download the episode to your favorite podcast platform. Be sure to subscribe to The Working Enneagram Podcast for more insights and inspiration on using the Enneagram to improve your work and life.

In addition to the podcast, be sure to check out Kelsey's Enneagram team training services, where you can learn more about how to use the Enneagram with your team to create an appreciation for differences. We hope you enjoy this episode and look forward to sharing more Enneagram insights with you in the future!

Ways to Support Fives at Work:

  • Give them space to withdraw and reenergize.
  • Listen to them without interrupting
  • Provide them with the full scope for the project so they can accurate assess the amount of time and energy required

Click here to listen!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Free Enneagram Assessment

Discover what makes you tick!Boost your self-awareness.
Question 1
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I don’t let my personal life and emotions interfere with my ambition*
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