The Working Enneagram Podcast | #12

The Best of The Working Enneagram Podcast 2022

In this episode, Kelsey Taylor shares the best moments of the podcast for the year 2022. Let us relive the most unforgettable stories and lessons from our guests! After each clip, Kelsey shares a coaching tip for each type and a point of empathy for others who work with that specific type.

Stay tuned for the brand new online course Solving the Me Mystery, a seven week online course that will teach you the best and worst parts of your personality. In this course, you'll become aware of the harmful habits that keep you from living the life that God intended you to live. You're also going to learn how to create balance in your personality, how to identify when you're stressed, as well as how to communicate effectively. This will be released January 2, join the waitlist to be notified once the course is available to purchase HERE

Highlights & Episodes Mentioned:

Type One: Core Fears & Desires at Work

Type Two: Core Fears & Desires at Work

Type Three: Core Fears & Desires at Work

Type Four: Core Fears & Desires at Work 

Type Five: Core Fears & Desires at Work

Type Six: Core Fears & Desires at Work

Type Seven: Core Fears & Desires at Work 

Type Eight: Core Fears & Desires at Work

Type Nine: Core Fears & Desires at Work

Stop Worrying and Live Courageously

Tune in to your Mind and Body

Free Enneagram Assessment

Discover what makes you tick!Boost your self-awareness.
Question 1
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I don’t let my personal life and emotions interfere with my ambition*
* This question is required.