Your Enneagram
Hi, I'm Kelsey, Type 1
I'm an Enneagram teacher passionate about helping small businesses in Central Texas build stronger, more connected teams. As a Type One, I believe in the power of customized workshops, flawless presentations, and engaging experiences. My goal is to provide your team with a workshop that's not only informative but also fun and impactful.
Q: Why the Enneagram?
"I have never sat down to coffee with someone who says, 'I really hope I fail today,'" Kelsey says. "We all desire to get better in all areas of our life. That's what makes the Enneagram so special. It has helped me become a better wife, mom, friend, and business leader, which is why the Enneagram is a gift I love to share with others!"
Q: How I Became an Enneagram Expert?
In 2021, a friend asked me to teach the Enneagram to his staff to improve relationships in the team. I was hesitant; after all, I didn't have any certifications or licenses to be an Enneagram facilitator. “I’m nothing special,” I thought, “I just have a passion for the Enneagram.” Against my self-doubt, I accepted the invitation. And boy, am I so glad I did!
Through that experience, I discovered the perfect blend of my passions: professional development and empathy. The Working Enneagram was born! Over four years, I've developed over 10 unique Enneagram workshops, with more on the way, to address a variety of team needs.