Episode 15 - The Wings of the Enneagram Type 3

In this episode, Kelsey Taylor interviews Enneagram Threes, Jacob Ferrell, and Jesse Bates on their wings. In the context of the Enneagram, your wings are the two numbers directly adjacent to your primary Type.

You always have two wings. Think of your wings like the wings of a bird. Your primary type is the body, and your wings are on either side. You may have two enormous wings, two tiny wings, or even one big wing and one small wing.

The 3w2 is known as the “Star.” These two Enneagram personalities blend very well together. The Three, like the Two, is conscientious of how others receive them. Both the Three and the Two work hard to be likable and respectable. 

When healthy, they are charming, and people are attracted to their upbeat and positive approach to others.  They enjoy and excel at planning social activities that bring everyone together. 

When they are not healthy these Threes get caught in a loop of feeling the need to earn the admiration of others by helping or supporting them, or by promoting why they are better than others in order to win over job status or relationships. 

Threes need their Two wing to help them consider others as equally important as themselves. The Two wing allows the Three to rightly prioritize the people over the process, resulting in stronger relationships. 

The 3w4 is known as the “Professional,” and this coupling is a very interesting one…

Because while the Three wants to be a chameleon to easily adapt to each environment or group so they’re accepted and admired, the Four wants to be a peacock and stand out for their unique qualities. The Three charms others with a false image of themself, while the Four demands authenticity. 

When these Threes are healthy, they focus on using their creativity and desire to engage with meaningful work.  They can get in touch with their feelings instead of pushing them aside quickly or dismissing them, resulting in a deeper understanding of what emotions drive their behavior. 

When they are not healthy they are deeply afraid of failure with an intense need for others to acknowledge and recognize their accomplishments.  These Threes may embellish their achievements to feel impressive to others. 

Threes need their Four wing to get in touch with their ever-distant heart.  Threes are the most disconnected from their heart and their emotions because emotions often feel like “a waste of time” for the Three.  The Four wing allows the Three to connect with their emotions and embrace a deeper sense of meaning and authenticity. 

References from this Episode:

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