The Enneagram Types at work. Type 9

Type Nine at Work
The Peacemaker

The world is a place with differences, and we can all still get along
Core Fear
Being in conflict or losing connection
Core Desire
Having inner peace and harmony
Core Weakness
Core Virtue
Type Nines, often referred to as "The Peacemaker," are known for their calm, agreeable, supportive, and easygoing nature. They value harmony and avoid conflicts. Type Nines tend to view the world as a place of interconnectedness and interdependence. They pay attention to maintaining peace and balance in their working and personal relationships. 
Core Fear
Type Nines have a deep-seated fear of conflict or relational fear of loss and separation. They worry about being alone, excluded, or abandoned. This fear can lead to a strong desire to minimize problems, maintain harmony and avoid conflict.
Core Desire
The core desire of a Type Nines is inner peace and stability. They seek harmony and balance in their lives and relationships. This desire to avoid conflict and maintain equilibrium can sometimes overshadow their own needs and things they are passionate about.
Core Weakness
Type Nine’s weakness is sloth. This doesn't mean laziness, but rather a tendency to avoid conflict. They don’t feel comfortable having clashes in either life or business situations, therefore they often go along with the flow. It's a desire to maintain peace at the expense of personal needs and boundaries.
Core Virtue
The Type Nine’s virtue is assertiveness. By developing the ability to express their needs and opinions, Type Nines can find a healthier balance between harmony and personal fulfillment. Assertiveness allows for stronger personal relationships and a more authentic sense of self.

Workplace strengths and weaknesses of the Type Nine

Enneagram Nine Strengths

Type Nines are known for their ability to create harmonious and collaborative work environments. Their calm and supportive nature makes them excellent team players. Type Nines tend to enjoy bringing people together. They possess a remarkable ability to see multiple perspectives and find common ground. Type Nines often excel at mediating conflict, ensuring smooth operations within a team. Their steady and reliable approach to work contributes to overall stability, productivity and professional growth.
Enneagram Nine Weaknesses

While Type Nines are known for their peacemaking abilities, they can also face challenges in the workplace. Their desire for harmony can sometimes lead to difficulty in setting boundaries or asserting personal needs. A tendency to avoid conflict might result in taking on too much responsibility or people-pleasing behaviors. Additionally, Type Nines may struggle with decision-making due to a desire to consider all perspectives.
Type Nine
The Peacemaker
Skilled Mediator
Difficulty with Prioritization
Passive Aggressive
Skilled Listener
Harmony and peace
Creating a calm and collaborative work environment.
Connection and belonging
Feeling part of a supportive and inclusive team.
Sense of purpose
Contributing to a meaningful cause or project.
Stability and security
Feeling safe in a predictable and reliable work environment.
Helping others
Supporting colleagues and contributing to the team's success.

What motivates Enneagram Nines
at work

Type Nines are driven by a desire for harmony, connection, and peace. They find fulfillment in creating a peaceful environment for themselves and others. Maintaining stability and avoiding conflict are primary motivators. They are often motivated by a sense of duty and responsibility towards their community.

Signs of burnout for the Enneagram Nine

Type Nines, known for their peacemaking nature, can experience burnout when their tendency to prioritize others' needs over their own becomes overwhelming. Over time, they may feel emotionally detached, struggling to assert their own needs or opinions. Such negative emotion as resentment can build as they take on excessive responsibilities. Physical exhaustion and difficulty concentrating are common symptoms as burnout progresses.
Type Nine
The Peacemaker
Signs of burnout
emotionally detached
struggling to assert their needs
Physical exhaustion
difficulty concentrating
Remember, your ability to see multiple perspectives is a valuable asset, but it's important to prioritize your own needs.

Workplace advice for Enneagram Nine

Type Nines can thrive in the workplace by focusing on setting boundaries and asserting their needs. Learning to say "no" while maintaining harmony is a crucial skill. Learning to hear their thoughts, prioritizing self-care and avoiding burnout is essential as it helps build stronger relationships. Recognizing the value of their unique perspective and contributions can boost self-confidence. Building strong support networks can provide a sense of security and encouragement.

Remember, your ability to see multiple perspectives is a valuable asset, but it's important to prioritize your own needs. Don't let a desire for harmony prevent you from expressing your opinions or setting boundaries. Your peace of mind is just as important as maintaining overall harmony.

Create a supportive environment by:
Appreciate their peacemaking abilities
Acknowledge their contributions to team harmony.
Encourage assertiveness
Help them express their needs and opinions confidently.
Set boundaries
Assist them in saying "no" and prioritizing tasks.
Offer support and encouragement
Remind them of their worth and capabilities.
Recognize signs of burnout
Be attentive to their emotional well-being and offer support.

How to support Enneagram Nines
at work

To effectively support a Type Nine, create an environment that values their peacemaking abilities while encouraging personal assertiveness. Acknowledge their contributions to team harmony and provide opportunities for them to express their needs. By fostering a sense of security and trust, you empower Type Nines to thrive in their roles without sacrificing their well-being.

Best careers & roles for Enneagram Type Nines

Type Nines are calm and collected and can thrive in roles that foster harmony and cooperation. Their ability to mediate and create a peaceful environment makes them valuable assets in many fields.
Here are some potential career paths:
Social Work & Counseling
Nursing, social work, and therapy allow Type Sixes to care for others and make a difference.
Human Resources
 Building strong relationships with a group of people and fostering a positive work environment.
 Teaching and mentoring students can be fulfilling for Type Nines.
Non-profit Organizations
 Working as a social worker for a cause that promotes peace and harmony.
Mediation & Conflict Resolution
Utilizing their peacemaking skills to resolve disputes.

Famous Enneagram Type Nine

Type Nines exemplify harmony, understanding, and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. Some well-known figures who are often considered Type Nines include:
  • Historical figures: Confucius, Barack Obama, Queen Elizabeth II
  • Famous figures:  Keanu Reeves, Morgan Freeman, Zooey Deschanel
  • Fictional figures: Harry Potter (Harry Potter), Winnie-the-Pooh (Winnie-the-Pooh), “Pocahontas” (Pocahontas)

Remember, while Enneagram types offer a framework for self-awareness, each individual is unique.

Understanding your Enneagram type can provide valuable insights into your motivations, strengths, and challenges. By recognizing the specific characteristics of Type One, you can harness your potential and develop strategies to overcome obstacles.
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