The Enneagram Types at work. Type 6

Type Six at Work
The Loyalist

The world is dangerous, and I must be prepared
Core Fear
Being without 
support or stability
Core Desire
Being secure
and supported
Core Weakness
Core Virtue
Type Sixes, often referred to as "The Loyalist," are known for their loyalty, commitment, and security-seeking nature. They are typically reliable, trustworthy, supportive, and hardworking. Type Sixes often view the world as a potentially threatening place. They are focused on safety, security, and building strong connections.
Core Fear
Type Sixes harbor a deep-seated fear of being without support or guidance. They often anticipate potential threats and challenges and expect the worst, which leads to a sense of vulnerability. This fear can manifest as anxiety or a constant need for reassurance.
Core Desire
The core desire of a Type Six is security and stability. These individuals seek strong, reliable connections with others to feel safe and secure. Building a support system is crucial for their well-being. This desire drives their loyalty and commitment to those they trust.
Core Weakness
The weakness of the Type Six is fear. This manifests as anxiety, self-doubt, negative thoughts, and a constant scanning of the environment for potential threats. It's a protective mechanism that can sometimes hinder progress and enjoyment of life.
Core Virtue
The Type Six virtue is courage. By facing fears and taking risks, Type Sixes can build resilience and confidence. Courage allows them to step outside their comfort zone and embrace uncertainty.

Workplace Strengths and Weaknesses of the Type Six

Enneagram Six Strengths

Type Sixes are invaluable team members known for their loyalty, dependability, and problem-solving abilities. Their commitment to their roles and organizations is unwavering. They excel at anticipating potential challenges and developing effective solutions. Additionally, Type Sixes are skilled at building strong relationships and fostering a supportive team environment. Their ability to remain grounded and focused during crises makes them essential assets in any workplace.
Enneagram Six Weaknesses

While Type Sixes are valuable team members, they can also face challenges. Type Sixes have a tendency to be suspicious of authority figures, and their strong sense of loyalty can sometimes lead to over-commitment or difficulty saying no. Anxiety and doubt may hinder decision-making, leading to procrastination or indecisiveness. Additionally, a tendency to anticipate worst-case scenarios can create unnecessary stress and undermine confidence. It’s very common for Type Sixes to overreact when they are under stress.
Type Six
The Loyalist
problem-solving abilities
Anxiety and doubt
building strong relationships
anticipate worst-case scenarios
Security and stability
A strong desire for a safe and predictable environment.
Loyalty and commitment
A deep sense of duty and responsibility to those they care about.
Support and connection
Building strong relationships and belonging to a supportive group.
Overcoming fear
A drive to challenge anxieties and build resilience.
Contributing to the greater good
A sense of purpose through serving others.

What motivates Enneagram Sixes
at work

Type Sixes are primarily driven by the need for security and belonging. They seek stable and supportive relationships. Trustworthiness and reliability are core values. A sense of purpose and contribution to something larger than themselves is also motivating. Overcoming fears and building resilience can become a driving force.

Signs of burnout for the Enneagram Six

Type Sixes, driven by loyalty and a sense of responsibility, are susceptible to burnout. Constant worry and overthinking can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion. They have trouble making decisions and withdrawing from social interactions are common signs. When Type Sixes become more anxious, they may experience increased irritability and difficulty concentrating.
Type Six
The Loyalist
Signs of burnout
Constant worry
emotional exhaustion
increased irritability
difficulty concentrating
Try to trust that others can handle tasks without your level of preparation.

Workplace advice for Enneagram Six

Type Sixes can thrive in the workplace by focusing on building trust and reducing anxiety. Encouraging open communication about fears and concerns can help alleviate stress and keep emotions under control. Developing problem-solving strategies and practicing decision-making skills can boost confidence. Building strong support networks within the workplace can provide a sense of security. Ask for help and delegate tasks when you start feeling overwhelmed.

Your anticipatory approach is a strength, but not everyone shares your propensity for extensive planning. Try to trust that others can handle tasks without your level of preparation. Challenge yourself to avoid categorizing people as either allies or adversaries based on their beliefs, behaviors, or personality style.

Create a supportive environment by:
Reassure and validate
Offer support and understanding during times of uncertainty.
Encourage open communication
Create a safe space for expressing fears and concerns.
Build trust gradually
Demonstrate reliability and consistency in your actions.
Offer practical assistance
Help them break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps.
Celebrate successes
Reinforce their capabilities and build confidence.

How to support Enneagram Sixes
at work

To foster a supportive environment for a Type Six, prioritize building trust and reassurance. Offer validation for their concerns while gently encouraging them to challenge their anxieties. By creating a safe space for open communication, you empower them to share their fears without judgment. Providing clear expectations and consistent support can significantly reduce their stress levels, enabling them to focus on their strengths and contributions to the team.

Best careers & roles for Enneagram Type Sixes

Type Sixes tend to feel comfortable in roles that offer stability, support, and opportunities to contribute to a team.
Here are some potential career paths:
Nursing, social work, and therapy allow Type Sixes to care for others and make a difference.
Teaching and counseling provide opportunities to mentor and support students.
Law Enforcement & Security
Roles in these fields align with the core desire of Type Six to have.
Finance and Accounting
These areas offer stability and a structured work environment.
Human Resources
Supporting employees and maintaining a positive work environment suits Type Sixes.

Famous Enneagram Type Six

Type Sixes exemplify collaboration, commitments to people and plans, loyalty, and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. Some well-known figures who are often considered Type Sixes include:
  • Historical figures: Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, Marilyn Monroe
  • Famous figures:  Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres, Keanu Reeves, Mindy Kaling
  • Fictional figures: Ron Weasley (Harry Potter), Andy Dufresne (Shawshank Redemption), Nathan Shelley (Ted Lasso)

Remember, while Enneagram types offer a framework for self-awareness, each individual is unique.

Understanding your Enneagram type can provide valuable insights into your motivations, strengths, and challenges. By recognizing the specific characteristics of Type One, you can harness your potential and develop strategies to overcome obstacles.
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