Are your wings helping you or hurting you? - Enneagram Type Six

The 6w5 is known as “The Defender” and these two combinations are congruent in their approach to find security through information.  The Five leans heavy on research to gain understanding while the Six leans heavy on research to feel prepared. 

When healthy, this Six is knowledgeable, resourceful, and grounded. They’re confident in who they can trust and they build strong, lasting relationships. They’re devoted to their community, family, or a belief-system that shares their views. 

When they are not healthy they are prone to anxiety and analysis paralysis, fearing that any decision or action they take will end poorly.  As a result, they prolong action too long and end up experiencing the very chaos they attempt to avoid.  

Sixes need their Five wing to offset their anxiety with logic.  Without the Five wing the Six dwells in fear of what could go wrong and suspicion around who they can trust. The logic of the Five brings data reinforcing the Six to see the world is much safer than they initially thought.

The 6w7 is known as “The Buddy” and this merger is often in conflict with each other.  While the Six is cautious and reserved, the Seven is spontaneous and impulsive.

When healthy this Six is very playful, witty, and likable. They are adventurous and allow themselves to get out of their comfort zone.  They are a devoted friend who enjoys having fun. 

When they are not healthy their anxiety leads to procrastination. They attempt to distract themselves from their anxiety with entertainment. They are prone to demonize anyone who hurts the people they love, dividing people into two categories: “friends” or “enemies.”  

Sixes need their Seven wing to focus on “best-case” scenarios.  The seven allows the Six to shift their thinking from “what’s the worst that could happen” to “what’s the BEST that could happen?”  This allows Sixes to have a more balanced approach and healthier relationship with their fear.

References from this Episode:

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