Are your wings helping you or hurting you? - Enneagram Type Seven

The 7w6 is known as the “The Entertainer” and these two together clash.  While the Seven is moving ahead and seeking out fun, entertainment, and adventure, the Six is cautious, prepared and seeking to ensure they have all the information before they act. 

When healthy this Seven is grounded.  They take appropriate time to research big decisions, allowing themselves to see how their decisions will affect others before acting from impulse.  They are jovial and they enjoy working together in groups.  

When they are not healthy they blame others for their impulsivity and frustrations. They are suspicious that others are out to get them and they push back when they feel limited.

Sevens need their Six wing to keep them grounded.  Without the Six wing the Seven could care less about what is safe or unsafe - they just want to do what sounds fun.  The Six allows the Seven to be spontaneous in a way that is also sensible and responsible. 

The 7w8 is known as the “The Realist” and this combination blends quite well together.  Both the Seven and the Eight like to look ahead to the future.  The Seven is interested in what the next fun thing is, while the Eight looks ahead to accomplish the mission. 

When healthy this Seven is confident, persuasive, and ambitious. They are able to finish what they set out to do instead of abandoning a project once the excitement wears off. 

When they are not healthy they are scattered, frenetic, and controlling.  They want to have more options available to them, and they become aggressive to anyone who stands in their way.  

Sevens need their Eight wing in order to accomplish the boring, yet necessary tasks in life.  Without the follow through of the Eight the Seven would have a graveyard of unfinished projects. The Eight also allows the Seven to endure hardship and see obstacles as opportunities. 

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